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The Mare

The Mare (Maran) is an evil female spirit who visits men or animals at night – hence the term ”nightmare”. She is riding her victims, making them sweaty, out of breath and with a feeling…

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Älvor dansar i dimman på en äng


The elves in Nordic Folklore are usually described as very small, female beings, dressed in shimmering white and with wings, often dancing on a misty field. But as with other supernatural beings, they can change…

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Skogsråt var ett mytologiskt väsen som såg ut som en vacker kvinna framifrån men hade ofta ihålig rygg. Hon lurade vandrare att gå vilse i skogen.

The Huldra

The Huldra is a female supernatural being in the Nordic Folklore (although as with the Nix it is a species, not a single entity). The Norwegian name Huldra comes from Huld, a völva in Norse…

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Näcken sitter i en sjö och spelar fiol, och lurar ner en man i vattnet.

The Nix

Next up among our mythic creatures is the Nix (Swedish: Näcken). The Nix is a water creature, who lives in lakes, rivers, streams and brooks, and tried to lure people into the waters to drown.…

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En svensk gårdstomte matar en häst.


The Nordic ”Tomte” or ”Nisse” has no really good translation to English. The closest might be hobgoblin, elf or gnome. But since it is a specific Nordic creature, I will call it Tomte. The Swedish…

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