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Snapphanarna förde ett guerilla krig mot den svenska regimen på 1600-talet.


As we continue our journey through Scandinavia’s peasant uprisings, we turn to the 17th century and the guerilla fighters known as Snapphanar. I will explain it’s meaning below, but let’s start with some background: During…

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Barn leker i skogen medan en tomte gömmer sig i ett ihåligt träd.

Myths and Folklore

When we look back at history, there seems to be a tendency to believe that ALL people living back then thought and believed in the same. That was of course not the case. Even though…

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The Draugr, a Norse mythological creature, often a drowned sailor.

The Draugr

The Draugr is a resurrected dead person, often a viking or warrior, who leaves his burial mound to terrorize the living. It could also be a sailor who drowned at sea and were thus never…

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Vättar som enligt nordiska folksagor är små folk som bor under jorden.


Here is another Norse mythological creature I have hard time translating into English. The old Norse word is vættr, and in Swedish the word is vätte (singular) or vättar (plural). One possible translation might be…

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