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Ingegerd Olofsdotter

Ingegerd was a Swedish princess in the 11th century, a time of religious upheaval. She took action to make peace with Norway, but was married of to Prince Yaroslav of Novgorod. Despite her young age, she became her husband's closest advisor and had great political influence.

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Disguised as men

Throughout history, many women have participated in combat disguised as men. In this post we'll get to know Ulrika Eleonora Stålhammar, Anna Jöransdotter and Margareta Elisabet Roos who all disguised themselves as men to join the Swedish army in the 18th century.

18th century female soldier disguised as a man
history and sagas

From the lowliest peasant to kings, queens and saints.

Religion, folklore, myths and sagas. Tales of fascinating people, both from the bottom of society to its top. Dive in on a unique, historic journey in the wild, beautiful Nordic region.






Coming soon

From Freyja to Mary

This time, we will delve into the dramatic transition from the ancient Norse paganism to Christianity in the history of the Nordic lands. It was a transformative shift that deeply influenced both belief systems and the region’s culture.

How did the ancient rituals and beliefs of the Norse intertwine with the emerging Christian faith? What cultural legacies and practices survived this transition, and how are they reflected in today’s Nordic societies?


Envisioning the Past through the Lens of AI.

Open a window to a world where historical figures and pivotal events are brought to life with stunning images and creative flair. Through the eyes of AI, let us visualize significant moments and people in history with a newfound clarity and perspective.